Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Can't Get Enough...Fairy Houses!

“This seems clear enough: When truly present in nature, we do use all our senses at the same time, which is the optimum state of learning.”  
-Richard Louv, The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of Nature-Deficit Disorder

Working to repair a fairy house damaged in the heavy rain/winds we've had in the past few weeks


Love the improvised tools
Conversations overheard during this collaborative build included:
"Which job is mine today? Oh yeah, I'm the lumberjack!"
In response, "Don't forget to do your farming chores too!"

K students

I get the biggest smiles when we're building outside!

3rd grader assisting a 1st grader

Proudly showing one of the only houses that survived the rains/winds

Who wouldn't want to come home to that?!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Catching Up with EDEP

Take a look at some of our most recent fun at EDEP!
After learning about the Great Wall of China (during our "Around the World with Architecture" unit on Mondays) these ladies tried to build the longest structure possible

Another student working hard to build the longest structure possible!  Students were asked to build for height (like the Eiffel Tower), length (like the Great Wall), or symmetry (like the Taj Mahal)

We estimated that we saved about 60 sheets of paper by drawing on the sidewalk on Earth Day instead of drawing on paper

Earth Day artwork

Earth Day 2014

An additional paper saving activity for Earth Day - instead of each child making their own Earth mosaic, we made a giant Earth mosaic as a group!

Sorting land and water

Using library time as extra maker time - check out that awesome belt!