Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This week we are introducing the kids (and parents!) to the website freerice.com - an online game and learning tool operated by the United Nations World Food Programme.  For each answer we get correct, 10 grains of rice are donated to help end hunger around the world. 

Username: MLESedep

Password: edep

Children have the opportunity to choose from a variety of subjects (English Vocabulary, Basic Math, Spanish, or World Capitals to name a few) and then answer a multiple choice question.  If they answer correctly, 10 grains of rice are added to our MLES EDEP score.  If they answer incorrectly, that question gets repeated a few turns later, giving the students a chance to try again.

We will be playing in the afternoons at afterschool, but I want to encourage the kids (and adults!) to feel free to play at home.  By logging on using our MLES EDEP username and password, the website will keep a total number of grains donated (no worries if you don't log in, you still earn rice, it just doesn't add to our EDEP total).

Thanks, and have fun!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November at EDEP

During the month of November, EDEP will be learning about art and artists!  We began the month by rotating through 4 different "art stations".  Children were able to
-Put together a variety of different art puzzles
-Draw with a long bamboo pole like Henri Matisse
-Have their photo taken while recreating Grant Wood's "American Gothic"
-Try drawing at an interesting angle, just like Michelanglo had to do while painting the Sistine Chapel

Overall, we had a great time and are looking forward to learning more about art and artists as the month continues!

  Ian doing his best Michelangelo impression!

Ellie using a bamboo pole to sketch