Thursday, November 14, 2013

Genius Maker Hour Time Snapshots

Genius Hour is still going strong!  After observing our kiddos at work, we've decided to expand the definition of work time on Thursday afternoons to "Genius Maker Hour Time" <-- a combination of "Genius Hour" and "Maker Time".  We're certain there is a more clever title, but the children think its hilarious when we say "Genius Hour Maker Time" (a hint on pronunciation, the faster you say it, the better it sounds!)
Enjoy these snapshots from our first "Genius Hour Maker Time"!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Special Guest Blogger: Genius Hour Edition

My blog is about Pandas.  I will tell you a lot about pandas I mean a lot.  My panda telling is about to
start in 10......9.....8.....7....6.....5.....4......3.....2......1.......START!
 Did you now that pandas are solitary animal's which means they live on
their own. Pandas are relatives' to the red pandas. Did you know that the word panda means "bamboo
eater". Pandas are black and white. Pandas live high in the mountain's of China. In the winter pandas go
to the bottom because its warmer. Did you now that there only 1,600 pandas left. Giant pandas are mammal's. Just a fact about me I love love love love love  pandas. Well, I think I am done!

  the end